Electrical Engineering and us

Was watching a program on Discovery about creation of low and high tides. Moon's gravitational 'field' pulls surface water up as it rotates. Rotating field; something moving; and lag between the two: that's SO MUCH like a synchronous motor!
The next step is to compare the torque equations....gr...won't get to that.
We Indians in the US are like diodes. We stick by the golden rule of (try to) 'be an American in America'. (I know the actual rule is 'be a Roman in Rome' - heck, I just changed it). When we are on a visit to our wonderful homeland we forget we should be 'Indians in India'. We still (perhaps more so) compare things to things American!
Given a set of parallel resistances, electric current proportionally flows more through the smaller ones. If we increase the resistance to states of mind we don't prefer (anger, tension, jealousy etc) we can ease through the preferred path of least resistance known as happiness :-)