How we try to be the boss
People like to feel empowered. They want to order things around. On the job, at home...well everywhere. Ofcourse, leading such a lifestyle will probably take away the chance to lead such a lifestyle! (Read: no job; old and single).
Here is where the poor remote control comes to rescue.
We all like to stretch our arms out while operating this piece of magic. I think it subconsiouly makes us feel we are ordering somebody around ('Hey TV, I don't like this. Now show me something else' and there you press the button). Or it simply means we are dumb to not know that it works equally fine sitting on our lap.
Did you just forget your favorite show? Never worry. Quickly grab that remote and press the button fast and hard. Every millisecond saved is worth it! Though, invariably its an ad they show.
Sometimes we discover it works even when pointed to the other direction. Time to play! How about if I do this? Okay....This? Wow, and try this everyday.
And sometimes the TV doesn't respond to its master's command (no one likes to listen always). Gently flick the remote or tap on it a few times and it works like wonder. The obvious analogy is beating your kid!
Lazy and tired and just sat on your 'slave'? Stay know it can withstand. The best form of relaxation for an officegoer is getting back home to sit on that couch and control that tv! Or atleast thats what is on mind when we think about taking a break.
There are these latest remotes which light up if you hold them. The makers wanted to create a sycophant version and there you have it. But I wonder if the 'universal remote controllers' really sell. When we can so much with one RC, imagine having one for the dvd player and one more for the set top box. Isn't that a mini-fantasy coming true?!
One for the TV, one for the set top box, DVD player, one for the sound system, one for the computer, one for the car... If that isn't enough, in future we'll have remotes for fan, tube light, water tap, door knob... It's coming... :P
But you know, you sound confused. I think you've been watching too much TV. Put down your remote (think of the analogy of putting down an animal) and go roam around outside :D
1:12 PM
How we try to be the toss
4:21 PM
Why don't you design a RC for your RC? That way, you will feel like a 2nd level manager :). Ordering someone who orders someone else to do a job?
And oh, but that also means you are so lazy that you won't even reach out to the coffee table to take the 1st RC! :P
9:59 AM
@ somu
ya it is a pointless blog:)
@ haritha
scene **
10:07 AM
@Ilango:LMAO..awesome comment..
8:16 AM
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