The Comic Trip
Date: May 19th
Time: 6.30 PM
Gulp and I entered Venky's house. Nitin was sitting in that same position - that same sofa near the entrance - only that this time it was Venky's place and not KKs. After a little wait for Mr. VK, who was late as usual, we set off to the boarding station - KPN office in T Nagar. Sweaty and sticky already, we were relieved to find a huge almonard fan doing its rounds. The five of us surrounded it completely leaving no air for the other people waiting. I suggested VK use his VK-fan to help the others. Thankfully, he was out of stock.
Date: May 19th
Time: 8.00 PM
Inside the bus to Kodaikanal. We were back benchers again after a long time. AFter the little usual fight between Nitin and Gulp as to who takes the window seat, we settled for this final seating arrangement:

(Window) Gulp - Nitin VK - Stranger 3(window)
(Window) Venky - Me Stranger 1 - Stranger 2(Window)
It was Gulp's birthday the next day and we had decided to throw a surprise party, planning for which started more than a week ago. We wanted to make it her best b'day ever and so decided to get her a Tea cake which she would cut in the bus! WOW! It was nearing 12 AM and we were getting ready for the extravagant party. Meanwhile, VK kept saying Stranger 1 and Stranger 2 are sure shot mollamaarees. I brushed him off asking him not to speak like that about others. I had the cake with me and was trying to light a candle on it. Unfortunately, the bus was going pretty fast, the windows were open and lighting the candle became impossible. I closed Venky's window and somehow had to close Gulp's. How do I do it? I came up with this foolproof idea. "Hey Gulp close that window know, I am feeling very cold". It was only 35 degrees outside. Nitin and Gulp gave me a 'What the hell is wrong with him' look and continued their conversation(surely about boring books and sirikaveikira Seinfeld). Thanks to Venky, we managed to light the candle and it was HAPPY BIRTHDAY GULP!!!

Date: May 20th
Time: 12.30 AM
It was time to sleep. I was wearing my blue track suits and had a feeling my wallet was going to fall down. So decided to keep it in my air-bag which I had near my legs. Gulp gave hers too. It was good night everybody.
Date: May 20th
Time: 9.30 AM
Arrival at Kodai. Arrives Mr. Mani. He was a local tour operator. We decided to goto the Berijum Lake tour, which he said was ideal only for youngsters like us. Each had to pay 150 bucks and I decided to make the initial payment. I opened my air bag and put my hand inside. Gulps wallet came out. No, not this I thought. I put my hand inside again - there was only the pack of cards and the tennis ball I had brought. I searched my pockets. I searched inside the bus. I searched everywhere.
My purse was gone.
VK quipped, "I told you those two were sure shot mollamaarees". Those two were nowhere in sight. Mr. Mani was waiting for the payment. Venky gave him 500 bucks and we were given a free taxi ride to our hotel.
Date: May 20th
Time: 10.30 AM
The LnT guest house was simply superb. Since it was a company guest house which Gulp had booked through her uncle(who works for the company), We were to tell them we were all cousins. The caretaker asked us in whose name the stay was registered. Nitin promptly shouted "Sister Gulp". The caretaker confirmed, "Mister Gulp?" We all burst into laughter and from then on GUlp became known as Mister Gulp.
I lied down on the bed of one of the two rooms we had rented, unable to believe my bad luck. It was a new wallet my parents had presented for me to take to the US. I made a call home and reported the theft. Initially I told them I had lost around 500 bucks, then 600, then 700+. They kinda understood my position. Dad later called up and said, "Son, I think it was only because of the purse we presented. It didn't have luck." I wiped that trickling tear off my cheeks feeling thankful for having such great parents.
Date: May 20th
Time: 3.45 PM
Mr. Mani had promised us a Sumo of our own. It was to arrive at our guest house at 3. We were already almost an hour late. VK was waiting down with a towel tying his broken left arm(or putting VS - Vethu Scene).

The Sumo was there at last. We got a little furious seeing four people already in it. We decided to take the trip after a little arugement with the driver, Brother.
Our first destination was a 500 year old tree. We felt more furious. We were convinced for sure: this ain't a trip meant only for youngsters. We learnt from the driver that this was the 'Picnic' Tour and not the Berijum Lake Trip at all. VK called up Mr. Mani and demanded justice. First, we didn't have our own Sumo, second, we were being taken for a ride, to someother place. God knows how even Mr. Mani knew it was easy to bulb VK. He cut the phone purposely during the conversation.
Things got settled and we decided to take the trip we were currently on(against VKs wishes of going to the police) and it ended up being one hell of a trip, thanks to Brother. We were accompanied by a nice family, who too had gone to TADA falls!

All is well that ends well. It was actually a great day, except for my purse loss and VKs...... towel loss.
Date: May 21st
Time: 2.00 AM
Nitin and I are were watching the final crucial overs of the India Vs West Indies Match. Suddenly, there was a pop-up window on the TV screen which said "Alliance Cable Company owes someone some money." We waited and waited, it didn't go. I can't believe we watched the rest of the match sitting like 'nuts' looking only at the score card at the bottom.
We also went for another tour this day and most importantly were treated by Mr. Gulp at Woodland Enterprises owned, Woodys restaurant.

Venky had to leave a day earlier coz of his ADOBE interview. It was evening soon and it was Bye Bye Venkye.
Date: May 22nd
It was the final day of our tour. After 'Water Cycling'(pedal boating) in the lake and my treat, again at Woodys, we realized it was going to be comedy time again. Venky was incharge of booking our tickets. He told us our tickets were confirmed and had left. When we checked with the KPN office in Kodai, we were told our booking was only for the next day. It was time we became furious again. Thanks to Nitins excellent arguing and negotiating skills we got tickets from one Mr. Mario who was there to return his tickets.
Tempers cooled down and we boarded the bus back to Chennai(it was the same bus we took from chennai, and we got the same back seats!). Realizing it was no use searching for the lost wallet again, VK, Gulp and me conversed almost through the night realizing we might never get time to be together again. Nitins snore gave company to the bus' engine.