Monday, June 25, 2007

Sivaji - The Toss!

I am not very good at writing. My blogging frequency shows that:) I keyed my previous blog just to preserve some nice memories. Alas! Life is full of contradictions. I am posting my next blog for something I do not wish to remember:)

Ladies and gentlemen, the highly hyped and ridiculous at best 'Sivaji'!

Rajini is carried away by police, his face covered in black cloth, his voice sounding bass(god knows why). I was expecting a dramatic Rajini intro. I somehow had imagined Rajini will first appear in the movie when SPB starts to sing 'Kaveri aarum...'. I didn't get the intro I wanted and I had to wait for the song. The transition from the disco to the fields was very abrupt. Also, I didn't like girls walking down the ramp as though they were on sale!

Our hero then sees our herione (a tamizh ponnu) in a temple(how new to tamil cinema). KV Anand blurred some parts of the frame here and that looked quite good.

The rest of the first half is scenes of Sivaji's family trying to 'mingle' with Shreya's family interlaced with scenes of Rajini trying to estabish his Sivaji Foundation. Poor and a little foolish him(which sane man will ever invest everything from his house to wrist watch), he ends up losing everything he has. Mastermind: Adiseshan, the villian.

Our hero is left with only a rupee now to get all his back. Ends the first half.

Start the second half and the most ridiculous scene (till then) of the movie arrives. Rajini calls a meeting of all auditors, car drivers & servants in Tamil Nadu who are so great in number that they fill an entire auditorium of the size of a basketball court! They are beaten up to disclose details of their bosses. What the hell is wrong with you director?(Oh ya...he's the worst of all the technicians in the movie). Auditors are highly qualified professionals. Please don't make such a mockery out of them.

I thought the fight scenes till this point were gripping and Shankar showed his brilliance with that fight in the drive-in theater. What action sequences! What graphics! I have seen similar ones on Cartoon Network, Pogo and the movie Cars.

Neo in The Matrix knew how to defy computer set rules. Why do you want to copy that illogically in all your movies Mr. Shankar?

But everything in the movie wasn't bad. Rajini's get ups as Sivaji Ganesan, MGR and Kamal really rocked. The Athiradi song following those rocked even more! The picturization of this song was the best amongst all. I also loved the scene where Livingston says "Yenna koduma Saravan ithu!"

Back to the story(story?): So all goes well and our hero builds an empire using his database of blackmoney holders stored in his voice activated laptop.

Time for a twist. The laptop reaches the cops who try to find out what he holds in that. So they bring three comic characters (who have never heard him speak) to mimic Sivaji's voice. All of them fail and the computer, after shouting a few things in tamil, goes self-destructing. How can they now stop The Boss!

I am not going to divulge the climax - the senselessestttt part of the movie. Doctors will agree.

The real star of the movie is the Rajini-Vivek pair. Vivek was at his best throughout the movie and the whole theater roared with laughter for all his one liners. There is nothing else in the movie. Shreya is only for the movie's songs. I really can't remember any other character. I hate to say this, but, Rahman should have done a better job. The songs don't make you come back to them like ALL his earlier ones.

AVMs thinktank must have realized this movie won't run like Chandramukhi. Thats why they have gone in for such multiple releases so they can get all the money back 'using' people's initial craze. I lost $15 too:(

I like singing. I am going to sing a song to end this post. Thanks for reading! Do visit my blog once in a year...I might have something new:)

"Oru Koodai Sunlight
Oru Koodai Moonlight
Oru Koodai Poovai
Yen(/Yane) kaathil suthivitaaye!"


Blogger Unknown said...

that was very funny !! :) but you should agree you were prepared for all this before going to the movie... Rajini n Shankar - what do you expect... btw dont go on abt Shivaji like this, Rajini fans might take you to the Office Room :P

1:38 PM

Blogger Suresh said...

You have angered the beast inside me by blaming Shankar and Rahman.... Bad move, buddy... You blog shall face the wrath of my comments day in and day out... Aarthi has agreed to join forces with me.... Poor you !

Muhaahaahaaa !!!

Btw, nice post and good expression of your feelings about the movie.. :-)

1:57 PM

Blogger Kaushik said...

I pity u da. The main reason being you even endeavoured to expect an ounce of logic or skillfull direction or Oscaresque histrionics in the movie. I agree hundred percent when you say the movie lacks logic and story, but that you expected that from this movie, is childish. Ofcourse, I had already voiced ur opinion wrt Rahman, watever suresh says, and to an extent, abt shankar also. ultimately, if u are not a rajini fan or a child or a pure-entertainment seeker, then u wud be disappointed. seems the way.
PS: I loved Athiradee too

2:03 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

the comedy.... the sense of humour and the mokke master:D.... none of the jokes in that movie was worth laughing and you seem to have lived up to the name given to you by your best friend;) your blog was pretty short unlike other blogs that were longer and lenghtier than the movie itself;)! Good job!!

2:10 PM

Blogger Haritha said...

i am shocked beyond words that YOU are disappointed by rahman.
that i hail .. way to go!

2:31 PM

Blogger Haritha said...

and yes, athiradi is strangely addictive... but for most part i credit it to the female singer

2:41 PM

Blogger Kaushik said...

did i mention this before? u have a fan now... and with ur kind permission can i start linking ur blogpage in mine

1:12 AM

Blogger Anand said...

thanks for commenting ppl...! all of u protesting watch the movie after reading this and u will realize:)

6:58 PM

Blogger Anand said...

my pleasure kaushik(lakkaraju:-)

6:59 PM

Blogger Balakumar said...

I dont know u that much....would have met u just a few times.....but i gotto say this da...."I would have busted u if u were in Cincinnati"...

8:48 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:41 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Anand... Good work... was a funny review, indeed...

U forgot to mention one thing which, according to me, is the dumbest in the movie... How the hell do you find out the total amt of black money in India thru coupla mouse clicks on your IBM laptop? As if someone maintains that a/c and waits for u to access the figures...

That stopping the train with red colour half saree... Haiyo.. Gimme a break... Sorry I'm blogging myself at a place wher i'm supposed to leav my comments..

To all who lambast this post: We're all engineers, folks... We gotta like things which hav some kind of sense it them...

12:52 PM

Blogger sridhar said...

rahman was good....
film will do better than chandramukhi

do ppl go to a movie to watch their real life story again???cry always???a film is for ppl to relax for 3hrs....NEO defies computer logic is dis possible in real life....plz dont give idiotic comparisons...
i'm not sayin d story is awesome and all but ppl knw wat to xpect.....and ppl are lovin d movie....

the car fight scene was d worst i too agree...

otherwise worth watching....go watch jhoom barabar jhoom if u dont like sivaji Laughing

5:39 AM

Blogger AK said...

good work ....

6:55 AM

Blogger Anand said...

pichu...pichupuduven rascal...

2:55 PM

Blogger Nitin said...

total disagree!!! Loved it!!!!

7:50 AM


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